Billericay Summerfest

Event summary

Date: Sunday 7nd July 2024 CANCELLED

Website: Visit

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Queen Elizabeth II Field,
CM12 9JZ

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The Billericay Summerfest is the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower’s summer community and charity fund raising event attracting over 5000+ attendees at Queen Elizabeth II Field/Sun Corner.

Entry and parking for Summerfest is free.

he event is growing year on year and and promises an array of Craft, Farmers, Charity, Community and Trade stalls together with hot and cold food and drink offerings, surrounding an arena hosting displays from various groups.

For the children there are fair ground type rides and lots of games and sweets available, where as for the adults there is a beer and pimms tent with all day entertainment on the main stage from bands and artists.

On the lower field there will be a classic car show of 200 favourites.

How to get involved

If you're a local charity, business or organisation and wish to take part in the Billericay Summerfest visit the official website.


Local businesses and organisations sponsor this event and help make it happen. If you would like to know more please visit the website